Public Information
Public Information


the app for informed parents

Titelbild parentu deutsch
- Informs parents who have children between ages 0 and 16 - Regularly sends short messages, pictures, films and audio files adapted to the age of the children - Informs about educational, training and health-related topics in over 13 languages - Shows all of the resources and information available in the library - Informs about all local offers, programmes and events Download for free at the [App Store](, [Google Play]( and on the website parentu.
  • Informs parents who have children between ages 0 and 16
  • Regularly sends short messages, pictures, films and audio files adapted to the age of the children
  • Informs about educational, training and health-related topics in over 13 languages
  • Shows all of the resources and information available in the library
  • Informs about all local offers, programmes and events

Download for free at the App Store, Google Play and on the website parentu.



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