492 Results

Public Information
Statement opposing female genital cutting

This statement from the Federal Council informs about the prohibition and legal consequences of female genital mutilation. The document aims to support families and girls in standing up against social and familial pressure in their communities of origin an…

8 languages
Public Information

mamamundo provides access to antenatal classes for women who do not speak one of the Swiss languages. These classes have been available and popular in Switzerland for decades, but are only available in the national languages. Mamamundo wants to change this…

16 languages
Public Information
Allergies - simple to explain

What is an allergy? How do you recognise an allergy? Find out more about allergies and what to do in an emergency. Learn more today! Find out more about allergies.

4 languages
Public Information
HELPFUL brochure

This brochure contains useful information for the arrival and first months in Switzerland. It covers the following topics: - Residence status (protection status S) - Financial support - Employment - Education - Finding accommodation - Living on a budget …

5 languages
Publications for professionals

The Explain TB sebsite offers tuberculosis information in more than 30 languages. Videos provide essential tuberculosis information in multiple languages. Explain TB offers information in more than 30 languages. The text sequences can be read aloud and pri…

1 language
Public Information
Searching by yourself

Searches with the Red Cross and Red Crescent network often take several months to years. We therefore recommend that you actively use your own resources. Even if you have already contacted the Swiss Red Cross to search for relatives, you can continue your …

4 languages
Public Information

The video series sheds light on the situation of female relatives of individuals with gambling addiction. Experts discuss the challenges, courses of action, and support services available. The videos are available with subtitles in German, English, Portug…

6 languages
Public Information
LGBTQ Helpline

- Reporting office for hate crimes: Those who have experienced anti-LGBTIQ violence should report the incident to the LGBTIQ Helpline – regardless, whether you want to file a report to the police or not. Witnesses of anti-LGBTIQ violence can contact us. Yo…

4 languages
Public Information
The official website patientrecord.ch

The official EPR website is designed for the public and healthcare professionals. It contains general information on the EPR, how it works, what the benefits are, data security and the process of opening an EPR. The website is available in the three offic…

11 languages
Public Information
ECHO – Information about Switzerland

What is a federal state? Who can help me if I fall ill? How and why do I pay taxes? In brief: How is Switzerland organized? The updated and richly illustrated 38-page brochure published by HEKS/EPER provides answers about civil life in Switzerland. This us…

3 languages
Public Information
You're a close friend or family member

This website is for adult loved ones. It is: for partners for other adult loved ones for friends With information pages in 8 other languages.

11 languages
Public Information
Useful resources for mental health

Staying healthy, both physically and mentally, is something we all want. Good health can’t be taken for granted, but it’s always possible to do something for our own wellbeing. Find information on how you can promote your mental health, what you can do if …

2 languages
Publications for professionals
Support for torture victims

"Support for torture victims" is a network of five specialized outpatient clinics in Switzerland. Survivors of torture, war and displacement receive medical, psychotherapeutic and psychosocial counselling, treatment and support in this clinics.

3 languages
Public Information
Sleep apnoea

The most frequent symptoms of sleep apnoea include snoring, breathing pauses during sleep, daytime fatigue with lack of concentration, and headaches. If left untreated for years, sleep apnoea often leads to severe health problems. This brochure provides …

4 languages