Sexual health
Themenbild Sexuelle Gesundheit
Themenbild Sexuelle Gesundheit

Sexual health

Sexual health is about more than just preventing sexually transmitted diseases. It includes sex education, pregnancy, family planning, protection from discrimination and sexual rights.


Per la promozione della salute sessuale e per l’educazione sessuale di bambini, giovani e adulti esistono informazioni in diverse lingue. Tra i temi affrontati vi sono l’orientamento sessuale, i diritti sessuali e la prevenzione degli abusi sessuali.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Most people know that HIV is a sexually transmitted disease. However, there are a range of other sexually transmitted diseases too. The good news is that we can protect ourselves from them. You can find out about infection risks and how to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases.

Gender / LGBTIQ

LGBTIQ is the international abbreviation for 'lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer' and is a group term for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or have intersex or queer characteristics. LGBTIQ people are affected by stigmatization and social discrimination because of their gender identity or sexual orientation. They have an above-average risk of depression and addiction. Awareness campaigns and information aim to promote health, prevent illness, and protect this vulnerable target group from social and health discrimination.

Female genital mutilation (FGM)

"Female genital mutilation (FGM), is the term for the partial or complete removal of a woman’s external sexual organs.
It is estimated that about 138 million women around the world have been subjected to FGM. Each year, about three million girls, most of them under 15, are subjected to it. Even professionals working in the educational, healthcare and social services in Switzerland come across this issue in their work."