Public Information
Public Information

150 years committed to good health

Titelbild L2679-16 GI Flyer Gesundheit EN web
Whenever someone has a health problem, they must recognize it, seek out a suitable place for support or treatment, be able to get there, and be able to use the service. The health system, on the other hand, must ensure that its services are accessible, acceptable, available, affordable and appropriate. Only when both sides manage to break down the barriers can even vulnerable groups have access to health promotion, disease prevention and healthcare.

Whenever someone has a health problem, they must recognize it, seek out a suitable place for support or treatment, be able to get there, and be able to use the service. The health system, on the other hand, must ensure that its services are accessible, acceptable, available, affordable and appropriate. Only when both sides manage to break down the barriers can even vulnerable groups have access to health promotion, disease prevention and healthcare.


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