Public Information
Public Information

Diphtheria: Factsheet for people seeking protection

Titelbild Diphterie-Impfung
Below you will find information on diphteria so that you can protect yourself and others. Diphteria is a serious infectious disease that can still be deadly. In the asylum centre you may come into contact with someone who has diphteria. Or perhaps you came into contact with an infected person during your journey without realising it.

Below you will find information on diphteria so that you can protect yourself and others. Diphteria is a serious infectious disease that can still be deadly. In the asylum centre you may come into contact with someone who has diphteria. Or perhaps you came into contact with an infected person during your journey without realising it.


Also interesting

Publications for professionals

A print sheet with a brief information about diphtheria, which can be given to people to be vaccinated before the vaccination. The next vaccination date can be thereon noted.

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