Public Information
Public Information

Epilepsy info videos

Titelbild Erklärvideos zu Epilepsie
Ten short videos explain and illustrate important things to know about epilepsy. The films are available in ten languages; subtitles can be switched on or off in the settings. - What is epilepsy? - Types of seizure - First aid during a seizure - Causes of epilepsy - Treating epilepsy - Epilepsy in older people - Epilepsy and pregnancy - Epilepsy and alcohol - Driving with epilepsy - Coronavirus and epilepsy

Ten short videos explain and illustrate important things to know about epilepsy. The films are available in ten languages; subtitles can be switched on or off in the settings.

  • What is epilepsy?
  • Types of seizure
  • First aid during a seizure
  • Causes of epilepsy
  • Treating epilepsy
  • Epilepsy in older people
  • Epilepsy and pregnancy
  • Epilepsy and alcohol
  • Driving with epilepsy
  • Coronavirus and epilepsy

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Driving with epilepsy

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Epilepsy and pregnancy

People’s worries about epilepsy and pregnancy generally outweigh the risks, because nowadays having epilepsy is rarely a reason not to have children of your own. It is, however, important to discuss having a baby with your neurologist and midwife well in a…

8 languages