Public Information
Public Information

Health Guide to Switzerland

The Swiss healthcare system in brief – a guide for immigrants to Switzerland

Titelbild Gesundheitswegweiser-Englisch-WEB
The new Health Guide provides information about prevention, health insurance and medical care. It explains the rights and duties of patients and the legal basis of the healthcare system. It also contains information about important medical facilities and about healthcare for particularly vulnerable groups such as asylum-seekers and sans-papiers. A cover flap now enables the cantons, communes and professional offices to include their own information material or addresses. Information sheets are also available in all languages on the individual topics in the Health Guide.

The new Health Guide provides information about prevention, health insurance and medical care. It explains the rights and duties of patients and the legal basis of the healthcare system. It also contains information about important medical facilities and about healthcare for particularly vulnerable groups such as asylum-seekers and sans-papiers. A cover flap now enables the cantons, communes and professional offices to include their own information material or addresses. Information sheets are also available in all languages on the individual topics in the Health Guide.


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