Publications for professionals
Publications for professionals

Preventing suicide

INn jails and prisons

Titelbild_Suizidprävention_Ein Leitfaden für Mitarbeiter des Justizvollzugsdienstes
In 1999 WHO launched SUPRE, its worldwide initiative for the prevention of suicide. This booklet is the revised version of one of a series of resources prepared as part of SUPRE and addressed to specific social and professional groups that are particularly relevant to the prevention of suicide. It represents a link in a long and diversified chain involving a wide range of people and groups, including health professionals, educators, social agencies, governments, legislators, social communicators, law enforcers, families and communities.

In 1999 WHO launched SUPRE, its worldwide initiative for the prevention of suicide. This booklet is the revised version of one of a series of resources prepared as part of SUPRE and addressed to specific social and professional groups that are particularly relevant to the prevention of suicide. It represents a link in a long and diversified chain involving a wide range of people and groups, including health professionals, educators, social agencies, governments, legislators, social communicators, law enforcers, families and communities.


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