Publications for professionals
Publications for professionals

Ukraine: General informations

Documents, brochures and information from Paediatrics Switzerland

Titelbild_Ukraine: Allgemeine Informationen Unterlagen, Broschüren und Informationen von Pädiatrie Schweiz
By the reference group on migrant health and PIGS

By the reference group on migrant health and PIGS

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Public Information

Screens (televisions, computers, tablets, smartphones and game consoles, etc.) now play an important role in our lives. But did you know that screens can also be harmful, especially to young children? Many scientific studies have shown that screens can hav…

20 languages
Public Information
My child is  learning to read

The advice flyer tells parents with children in lower school how they can support them in the phase of learning to read.

14 languages
Public Information
Growing with  stories

The guide flyer provides parents with children of toddler and kindergarten age with basic suggestions for promoting language and reading skills in their children's everyday lives.

14 languages