Public Information
Public Information

Safe together in Switzerland

Explainer video of the Canton of Berne

Titelbild Video - Zusammen sicher im Kanton Bern

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Help with domestic violence You’ll find support here! You’re not alone! There are a number of services available to you. Confidential and mostly free of charge.

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Safe together in Canton Bern

People from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds live in Switzerland. Living in harmony depends on everyone observing the law of the land and interpersonal rules. Everyone in Switzerland has rights and obligations prescribed by law.

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Public Information

This website offers information for binational couples and intercultural families who either live, or would like to live, in Switzerland. Our website has answers to the most important questions that binational couples and families are faced with.

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Public Information

Approximately 150,000 people live in Switzerland without a valid residence permit. Most "Sans-Papiers" or "illegal immigrants" are workers without regular residence status, mainly working as cleaners, in private households, on construction sites, in restau…

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