Public Information
Public Information

Parent Guide Refugees

How can I help my traumatised child?

Titelbild Elternratgeber Flüchtlinge
Perhaps you have fled your homeland because it has been destroyed, or because a war is going on there. You have left the home that you shared with your family. And on your journey to Germany, you may also have experienced great hardship. Perhaps you fled your homeland because you felt that your life and that of your children was threatened. Many things were also very difficult while on the run. People who have experienced such unsafe circumstances are sometimes haunted by the memories for a long time. The images of threaten- ing events are particularly hard to forget. The fear associated with them plagues the mind and soul. It is normal and human to feel this way, but sometimes the memories remain alive. The memories of a terrible event sometimes continue to hurt like a physical wound. Such memories are sometimes unlike any you have ever experienced. Advice by age group - Infants and Toddlers - Preschool-Age Children - School-Age Children - Adolescents - [Elternratgeber Flüchtlinge (German)]( "Elternratgeber Flüchtlinge (German)") - [Parent Guide Refugees (English)]( "Parent Guide Refugees (English)") - [Руководство для родителей беженцы (Russian)]( "Руководство для родителей беженцы (Russian)") - [Посібник для батьків біженці (Urainian)]( "Посібник для батьків біженці (Urainian)") - [راهنمای والدین پناهندگان (Farsi)]( "راهنمای والدین پناهندگان (Farsi)") - [دليل الوالدين اللاجئين (Arabic)]( "دليل الوالدين اللاجئين (Arabic)") - [Rêbernameya dê û bav Penaberan (Kurdish)]( "Rêbernameya dê û bav Penaberan (Kurdish)")

Perhaps you have fled your homeland because it has been destroyed, or because a war is going on there. You have left the home that you shared with your family. And on your journey to Germany, you may also have experienced great hardship. Perhaps you fled your homeland because you felt that your life and that of your children was threatened. Many things were also very difficult while on the run. People who have experienced such unsafe circumstances are sometimes haunted by the memories for a long time. The images of threaten- ing events are particularly hard to forget. The fear associated with them plagues the mind and soul. It is normal and human to feel this way, but sometimes the memories remain alive. The memories of a terrible event sometimes continue to hurt like a physical wound. Such memories are sometimes unlike any you have ever experienced.

Advice by age group

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