Public Information
Public Information

Brochure about phenylketonuria and other inborn errors of Protein Metabolism

Titelbild Swiss-PKU Broschuere-Spital-englisch
This flyer is for those with congenital protein metabolism disorders, such as phenylketonuria, their parents and relatives. It explains the different types of disorders and how the Swiss PKU interest group can help. This flyer was published in collaboration with the following institutions: APEP, Insel Hospital in Bern, Zurich university children's hospital, and the Geneva and Vaud university hospitals.

This flyer is for those with congenital protein metabolism disorders, such as phenylketonuria, their parents and relatives. It explains the different types of disorders and how the Swiss PKU interest group can help. This flyer was published in collaboration with the following institutions: APEP, Insel Hospital in Bern, Zurich university children's hospital, and the Geneva and Vaud university hospitals.


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