
ApartTogether Study

ApartTogether is a global study to assess the public health social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugees and migrants

Titelbild ApartTogether Study
It is a collaboration between World Health Organization, across its regional offices, its partners and collaborators within the UN System and beyond, including the UN Network of Migration, and a consortium of research centres led by Ghent University in Belgium. The study aims to better understand how refugees and migrants experience the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 and how they deal with any challenges that have arisen. Insights from the survey will be used to inform policy and decision makers on how they can better support refugees and migrants during and after this pandemic. The survey runs until 31 July 2020.

It is a collaboration between World Health Organization, across its regional offices, its partners and collaborators within the UN System and beyond, including the UN Network of Migration, and a consortium of research centres led by Ghent University in Belgium. The study aims to better understand how refugees and migrants experience the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 and how they deal with any challenges that have arisen.

Insights from the survey will be used to inform policy and decision makers on how they can better support refugees and migrants during and after this pandemic. The survey runs until 31 July 2020.


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