
Moving forward together

Red Cross approach to social inclusion of migrants

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Strengthening the social inclusion of vulnerable people and communities lies at the heart of the work carried out by National Red Cross Societies across the EU. Support is provided in different ways, depending on the specific needs of each person. Activities can range from basic material assistance such as food, or clothing, to advice regarding family, health, or legal issues, and support to access employment, housing, or social services. Often, people benefit from a combination of different services. These services are available to all, without discrimination. This Red Cross booklet features: • Migrants: different profiles, diverse needs • Moving from reception towards inclusion • Tackling discourse to foster alternative perceptions • Belonging through participating • Harnessing local networks

Strengthening the social inclusion of vulnerable people and communities lies at the heart of the work carried out by National Red Cross Societies across the EU. Support is provided in different ways, depending on the specific needs of each person. Activities can range from basic material assistance such as food, or clothing, to advice regarding family, health, or legal issues, and support to access employment, housing, or social services. Often, people benefit from a combination of different services. These services are available to all, without discrimination.

This Red Cross booklet features: • Migrants: different profiles, diverse needs • Moving from reception towards inclusion • Tackling discourse to foster alternative perceptions • Belonging through participating • Harnessing local networks


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