
The well-being guide

reduce stress, recharge and build inner resilience

The well being guide bild
Humanitarians and people working in helping professions need to take care of themselves in order not to burn out and to be effective in their work. The well-being guide: reduce stress, recharge and build inner resilience is for individual self-care, and for peers and teams who work together. Each section can be tested or incorporated within regular meetings with a focus on caring for the carers. The exercises in this guide are for all humanitarian staff, volunteers and for recipients of mental health and psychosocial support services. If practised and used regularly, this catalogue of tried and practised tools can regulate stress, calm when distressed, promote sleep, and strengthen inner resilience.

Humanitarians and people working in helping professions need to take care of themselves in order not to burn out and to be effective in their work.

The well-being guide: reduce stress, recharge and build inner resilience is for individual self-care, and for peers and teams who work together. Each section can be tested or incorporated within regular meetings with a focus on caring for the carers.

The exercises in this guide are for all humanitarian staff, volunteers and for recipients of mental health and psychosocial support services.

If practised and used regularly, this catalogue of tried and practised tools can regulate stress, calm when distressed, promote sleep, and strengthen inner resilience.


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