
English for Social Work

A bilingual terminology handbook (English - Arabic)

Titelbild English for social work
The early 21st century is proving to be an exciting time for the social work profession in many countries and regions. Our discipline is clearly in the middle of a significant period of internationalisation. For those countries in the Global South, where social work is still a nascent profession, this internationalisation provides opportunities for judicious professionalisation. This ebook, will, it is hoped, play a small but important role in the professionalisation of social work in the Arab countries. Let us therefore briefly examine how internationalisation is changing our profession globally, before we consider how this book should be used.

The early 21st century is proving to be an exciting time for the social work profession in many countries and regions. Our discipline is clearly in the middle of a significant period of internationalisation. For those countries in the Global South, where social work is still a nascent profession, this internationalisation provides opportunities for judicious professionalisation. This ebook, will, it is hoped, play a small but important role in the professionalisation of social work in the Arab countries. Let us therefore briefly examine how internationalisation is changing our profession globally, before we consider how this book should be used.


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