
Guide for refugee parents

APP and booklet

Titelbild Guide_for_refugee_parents_
The Parent Guide provides refugee parents with practical advise and guidance on how to handle their children’s reactions to dramatic life events and how to create peace of mind for them. The Parent Guide can help parents establish good routines and habits in everyday life in a new country. It also gives advise on self-care, since the parents state of mind greatly affects the children. The guide is based on comprehensive knowledge about trauma, refugee’s life conditions, parental challenges and child psychology. __Download the App now on [Google Play]( "APP Guide for Refugee Parents") an [App Store]( "APP Guide for Refugee Parents")__

The Parent Guide provides refugee parents with practical advise and guidance on how to handle their children’s reactions to dramatic life events and how to create peace of mind for them. The Parent Guide can help parents establish good routines and habits in everyday life in a new country. It also gives advise on self-care, since the parents state of mind greatly affects the children. The guide is based on comprehensive knowledge about trauma, refugee’s life conditions, parental challenges and child psychology.

Download the App now on Google Play an App Store


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